『Supportingrolestudio 小型、シンプル、実用的、マルチレイヤー スクエア レザー バック バックパック、ライト Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-17e346305fから出品され、881の入札を集めて04月26日 23時 49分に、9,963円で落札されました。即決価格は9,963円でした。決済方法はに対応。福島県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
supportingrolestudio small, simple and practical multi-layer square leather backpack light gray Leather: cowhide (natural leather brush color) (cow leather products will have various stains and light skin lesions. Scar marks and other characteristics of natural leather, these are all characteristics of natural leather All belong to normal phenomenon) Width 30CM Height 30CM Bottom Thickness 12CM 600g Inside the bag - 1 layer of independent space. The goods are produced and shipped in about 3-5 days, and you will be notified if there are any problems the With the tanning process, the leather has a very rich feel and artistic sense. uses natural vegetable dyes for traditional tanning. These professional tanning can not only make the leather from the inside to the outside, but is evenly colored, without the need for top oil at all. After a slight polishing, it can also show a natural luster, and the back of the leather is also more beautiful. Smooth and wear-resistant. The traditional wax back cover process, maintenance method natural cowhide is like human skin, it will leave scars or lines in the process of growth, This is also what makes every natural leather product unique. In the product introduction, we have mentioned that "Cowhide products will have all kinds of small stains, light skin lesions, scars and other characteristics of natural leather. These are all normal phenomena." Wipe the bag with a dry cloth or dust with a soft brush, and then dip the maintenance oil on a clean cotton cloth (avoid applying the oil directly on the leather, which will cause unevenness and block the pores), and slowly draw a circle. Push away slowly. It is enough to apply a thin layer of glossy feeling, let it stand for one night, and then use a clean cloth to remove the excess oil after absorption and wipe it evenly. Natural cowhide is like human skin, it will leave scars or lines in the process of growth. This is what makes every natural leather product unique. In the product introduction, we have mentioned that "the cowhide products will have various pigmentation spots, light skin lesions, scars and other characteristics of natural leather. These are all normal phenomena." Our leather materials are dyed with natural materials. The leather itself will have a solid color treatment when , but because it is a natural leather material, the absorption conditions are different. The resulting migration or discoloration is a natural property of the material. The leather will fade to a certain extent. After a few , the color will be completely fixed, and there will be no more fading. Leather is more afraid of moisture and water vapor (except for the waterproof series), if there is a lot of sweat on the feet, or in a rainy or humid environment, may have a color fading problem. It is recommended to match with the same color or dark clothes, avoid wearing light-colored clothes, will cause more obvious marks. Assuming that the bag is accidentally wet on rainy days, it needs to be placed in a cool place to allow it to completely ventilate and dry before storage. If the leather is kept wet, use a dust bag to store it or place it directly in the wardrobe, which will easily lead to damage to the leather. (eg mold, shedding, etc.). In addition, it is also recommended to turn on the ventilation for three months, and occasionally take out the dehumidifier to ventilate and dehumidify. Genuine leather is like human skin, which needs regular maintenance and moisturization to maintain the oil in it to prevent cracking. Product Return and Exchange Instructions return application must be submitted within 2 days after receiving the product. Please note that if the product needs to be returned or exchanged, the tag will be cut off. cowhide leather products with complete packaging and receipt together with the return will have a variety of small stains and light skin lesions, scars and fading dyeing, which are the characteristics of natural leather. These are all normal phenomena. receives the goods and is not artificial. If it is damaged, it can be returned, but it cannot be exchanged for exchange (one free exchange). International guests should pay for the return shipping fee. If you have any questions about the product, please ask the designer before purchasing. Detailed communication before purchase can save the effort, money and time spent on refunds/exchanges.
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881 入札履歴