『(このようなカップルや夫婦など)のカスタム人形2 Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、844の入札を集めて06月02日 14時 16分に、16,021円で落札されました。即決価格は16,021円でした。決済方法はに対応。広島県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Do not hurry the next single Oh! ~ we must first good communication ~ no matter what line of humanoid puppets or animal puppets ~ first ~ you pass you have to do a photo ~ face, hair must be clearly ~ (with or without wearing glasses) also a body - FIG clothing (including shoes) Arisa type of animal puppets are all hands and feet have to wear clothes! ~ had a lot of lines or long hair animals I can not do Oh! ~ so! ~ trouble to pass animal photo ~ and you want it to what to wear! ~ Please tell me how old it? boys? girls? personality? this will help Muppets production Oh! ~ Arisa also be happy to help you design a puppet Oh! ~ you please tell me ~ What would you like puppets ~ want gifts or their own collection ~ example! ~ I want to do only a small Miss rabbit, a dog, Mr. want to give a friend a wedding gift ~ then I can let you draw a design reference ~ Arisa will try to complete your little wanderers ~ but hand-made complete degree can not hundred percent ~ I will try to find a similar cloth, etc. ~ ~ ~ may also be due to the difficulty of making or presenting better results do fine tuning ~ If you are a perfectionist, do not single Oh! ~ Muppet height of about 25 to 28 cm ~ such dimensions made out of proportion very nice! ~ easy to take out travel together with you ~ camera works well! ~ hands additive aluminum wire (flexible) does not increase ~ (to be marked) production days to about 14 days
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844 入札履歴