『Others―The Evolution of Human Sociality [単行本]Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-000d996108から出品され、191の入札を集めて04月21日 00時 40分に、4,719円で落札されました。即決価格は4,719円でした。決済方法はに対応。青森県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
目次FiguresPhotographsTablesAcknowledgementsContributorsIntroduction--Finding "Others" from an Evolutionary Perspective: The Search for the Evolutionary Historical Foundations of Human SocialityKaori KawaiPart I: Aspects of Others: Emergence, Formation and Transformation1 Approving Others and Incomprehensible Others in Primate SocietySuehisa Kuroda2 Are Animals "Others" or Are There "Others" to Animals?Michio Nakamura3 When Others AppearToru Soga4 "The Other Who Can Refuse": A Precondition for Transition to Human SocietyKōji Kitamura5 Empathy and Social Evolution: The Human History of Understanding OthersHitoshige HayakiPart II: Others and Other Groups: How to Interact with the Counterpart6 Who Is the Alpha Male? The Appearance of the "Other" in Chimpanzee SocietyHitonaru Nishie7 Encountering the "Other": How Chimpanzees Face IndeterminacyNoriko Itoh8 When Pricking Up Ones Ears for the Voices of Strangers: Others in Chimpanzee SocietyShunkichi Hanamura9 The Origins of "Consideration for Ones Enemy": What Kind of Others Are Neighboring Groups to the Dodoth?Kaori KawaiPart III: The Representation and Ontology of Others in Humankind10 The Ontologyof the Other: The Evolutionary Basis of Human Sociality and Ethics in the Formation and Continuation of Inuit SocietyKeiichi Omura11 Ancestral Spirits, Witchcraft and Phases of the Other in Everyday Life: The Case of the Bemba People of ZambiaYuko Sugiyama12 The "Face" and the Other: Muslim Women Behind the VeilRyoko Nishii13 Morality and Instrumentality: A Practical Approach to Theorizing the OtherMasakazu TanakaPart IV: The Expanding Horizons of the Theory of Others14 The Spirit as the Other: From the Iban EthnographyMotomitsu Uchibori15 A History of the Distance Between Humans and WildlifeGen Yamakoshi16 Toward the Environmental Others: An Ethological Essay on Equilibrium and CoexistenceKaoru Adachi17 Society as a "Story": Work Sharing, Cooperative Breeding and the Evolution of OthernessYūji Takenoshita18 The Turing Test in the Wild: When Non Human "Things" Become OthersIkuya TokoroEpilogue--Future Agenda, Others as an Affliction: Tripartite Relationships and the Tetrahedral ModelTakeo FunabikiNotesBibliographyIndex内容紹介Others is the third work produced by a collaborative research project involving primatologists and anthropologists on the evolutionary historical foundations of human sociality, after the publication of groundbreaking volumes titled Groups and Institutions. This book presents cutting edge research into the meaning of “the other” and the dynamic process of “othering”. Each of the eighteen chapters examines various aspects of “others” via the researchers’ specialties, with subject matter ranging from the disappearance of the alpha male in a chimpanzees group to the way the other is produced amongst Canadian Inuit through their relationship with wild animals. What is generated is a unique collection of essays that is both grounded in empirical evidence and strengthened by its intricate engagement with the depth and breadth of theoretical work on the topic of “the other”, as it furthers our understanding of the nature of human sociality.著者についてKaori Kawai(河合 香吏) (カワイ カオリ)Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
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